I. Biggi
Edhasa 2023

In the year 1888, Europe is reeling. Leo XIII, Pope of Rome, does not have too many years to live, and vultures are already flying over the Vatican waiting for the next conclave. Meanwhile, Monsignor Patrizi, pragmatic, visionary and ambitious, seeks to influence Anglican England in order to spread his tentacles in North America from there. Patrizi knows that he must play his cards right and get rid of Galimberti, his staunchest rival, and thus apply as successor to the throne of San Pedro. However, the British Empire is crumbling before their eyes. London is his best example; the city is divided in two: the rich West End, a vestige of the good times, and the sick East End, where thousands of people are crowded together in absolute poverty. And not only that: a murderer, the first of his kind, walks the streets under the cover of darkness, disemboweling prostitutes and sowing terror. Rude, aggressive and dangerous, by himself he is capable not only of disrupting Monsignor Patrizi's plans, but of demolishing the future of Christianity. In The Wolf of Whitechapel Biggi shows us the real soul of a dark and rotten city, like the one of the murderer himself; you smell blood, fear, filth, and the narrative tension makes us hold our breath until the last page. Unforgettable.


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